Natural Remedies to Last Longer in Bed – All You Need to Know

Sometimes you may finish quickly in bed; that’s totally natural. But if it’s frequently happening, you might be suffering from premature ejaculation (PE). And yes, it can be a little frustrating. There is no specific …

Natural Remedies To Last Longer In Bed

Sometimes you may finish quickly in bed; that’s totally natural. But if it’s frequently happening, you might be suffering from premature ejaculation (PE). And yes, it can be a little frustrating.

There is no specific reason that causes this problem. Biological and physiological factors can be responsible if your coital sessions are over before starting. However, it’s not the end of the world, and there’re some amazingly effective natural remedies to last longer in bed.

Though it sounds too good to be true, some methods can help fight PE. If you want to find out, just keep scrolling!

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Natural Remedies to Last Longer in Bed – All You Need to Know

When it comes to treating any sexual dysfunction, people are dependent on medications. But issues like premature ejaculation can be improved by following some natural remedies. All you have to do is change your sexual routine, and you can achieve your desired stamina in bed.

Here are the remedies you can try to enjoy the longer coital session and thrilling climaxes.

Do Some Pelvic Floor Exercises

If your pelvic floor muscles aren’t strong enough, you’ll likely experience premature ejaculation. These muscles are located below your prostate and rectum so that you can understand the significance of this part.

To strengthen these muscles, follow the steps given below.

  • Firstly, lie down on the floor or on your exercise mat.
  • Secondly, hold the muscles stretched tightly for at least three seconds.
  • Finally, keep the muscles relaxed for three seconds and tighten them again.

After performing this exercise continuously, you’ll surely see some changes. It’ll enhance your sexual stamina and even make your erection harder.

Try Different Positions and Slow Down

While doing your sexual movements, you enter into momentum. And if you’re going like that continuously, you’ll ejaculate in no time. Therefore, you need to slow down if you think you’re closer to the climax.

Going in and out slowly will delay the orgasm, but the libido won’t be hampered. And you can always increase the speed when needed; there’ll be no trouble.

There’s another thing you can try; changing your sex positions. This way, you don’t have to slow down suddenly, as the transition will cause a natural pause. Moving from one pose to another, you’ll have enough time to calm down and start from the top again.

Go for Edging

Edging is another method you can try for a long-lasting coital session. You must keep going until you’re about to orgasm and stop. Calm down, take a break, and start slowly again when you’re almost done.

If you try this strategy, achieving a mutual orgasm will be easier. You can try this for a more intense climax when you’re in sync with your partner.

Masturbate Before Sex

We know that the second session is always time-consuming. You take time to get harder and don’t finish that fast. Hence, before trying any other method, you can masturbate before engaging in coitus.

But there’s a catch. If you masturbate right before having sex, you might not be able to get an erection. And in case you do it too early, there’ll be no benefit whatsoever. Therefore, you’ll have to go through some practice sessions to figure out the perfect timing!

Follow the Pause-Squeeze Method

This pause-squeeze method is similar to the edging, but you’ll need more experience. For this, you have to keep having sex, and when you’re about to orgasm, pull out your penis and squeeze the tip for a few seconds. After the urge of ejaculation passes, you can start penetrating again.

Well, this isn’t one of the easier ways out; you can see that. But you can also try this during masturbation to better control it.

Do Yoga and Exercises

There’s no doubt that exercise and Yoga enhance our stamina. And so going for some cardio, strength workouts, Yoga, and breathing exercises will help you last longer during coitus; there’s no doubt about that.

Yoga calms your mind and makes your body more flexible than ever. As a result, you can focus on your sexual performance without trouble. And doing tricky sex positions will be easier, too; that’s a bonus.

Focus on Something Else

Suppose you’re on edge now; you’ll cum any minute from now. At that moment, distract yourself from the penetration; think about something else.

For instance, when you’re about to orgasm, don’t think about your partner or the ejaculation. Think about a math problem, the global economy, or any other random thing. In this way, you can slow down the penetration and will be able to last longer without any issues.

Use Condoms

Sometimes premature ejaculations are caused by the hypersensitivity of your penis. By wearing condoms, you can prevent that from happening, and you’ll last longer during your sexual endeavors.

Moreover, using desensitizing condoms can help you as they’re made for numbing your penis. When you’re genitalia is less sensitive, maintaining stamina and erection will be easier.

Bring Change in Your Eating Habit

Though you’re eating habit isn’t directly related to your PE, following a healthy lifestyle can also make your sex life better. Eating foods such as bananas, strawberries, and gooseberry juice can help you to delay your orgasms and feel more energetic.

Also, you should reduce your alcohol intake and say no to sugar, smoking, and processed food. In this way, you’ll be healthy from the inside, your energy level won’t be compromised, and you’ll undoubtedly be strong enough to have thrilling sexual adventures.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can a lack of experience cause premature ejaculation?

Yes, if you’re having sex for the first time or haven’t done this in a while, you may finish quickly in bed. But this thing will pass over time once you start to explore sexual activities continuously.

2. How long does sex typically last?

This experience varies from person to person; there’s no exact timeframe for enjoying coital sessions. However, it usually takes 3-13 minutes for people to get an erection and ejaculate. But you can delay the process by following certain methods.

3. Does Viagra helps to last longer in bed?

Viagra is mostly used for getting an erection. But it can also help with premature ejaculation. You can consult your doctor for a professional point of view.

Wrap Up

Before going for sex therapies or strong medications, you can try these natural remedies to last longer in bed. And if none of these are working, you should talk to your healthcare provider to eliminate this problem. Don’t worry; many people suffer from this condition and get out of it. So you can do that too.


Gillman, Nicholas, and Michael Gillman. “Premature Ejaculation: Aetiology and Treatment Strategies.” Medical Sciences 7, no. 11 (2019).

Joshi, Anjali M., Veettil, Raveendran A., and Sanjay Deshpande. “Role of Yoga in the Management of Premature Ejaculation.” The World Journal of Men’s Health 38, no. 4 (2020): 495-505.

Kamatenesi-Mugisha, Maud, and Hannington Oryem-Origa. “Traditional herbal remedies used in the management of sexual impotence and erectile dysfunction in western Uganda.” African Health Sciences 5, no. 1 (2005): 40-49.

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Nakajima, Koichi, Nagao, Koichi, Tai, Toshihiro, Kobayashi, Hideyuki, Hara, Hiroshi, Miura, Kazukiyo, and Nobuhisa Ishii. “Duration of sexual intercourse related to satisfaction: survey of Japanese married couples.” Reproductive Medicine and Biology 9, no. 3 (2010): 139-144.

Ryan Medison Phd is an ABMS board certified urologist specializing in reproductive urology whose areas of expertise are men’s health and male infertility. He is also an associate professor of urology at the Institute in Berkeley, California, the director of male reproductive medicine and surgery at UNC Fertility

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