How to Use Garlic to Cure Premature Ejaculation

When you’re online looking for premature ejaculation (PE) remedies, you’ll find many options, like taking pills, doing yoga, or consulting a psychologist. However, if you’re looking for a home remedy before spending on anything else, …

How to Use Garlic to Cure Premature Ejaculation

When you’re online looking for premature ejaculation (PE) remedies, you’ll find many options, like taking pills, doing yoga, or consulting a psychologist.

However, if you’re looking for a home remedy before spending on anything else, we have good news for you!

Only a few cloves of garlic can help you last longer and improve your overall sex life. Garlic has been associated with body immunity, sex health, and heart health for decades. Many recent studies have found it highly effective in treating premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

Let’s find out how to use garlic to cure premature ejaculation and whether it’s truly beneficial or not.

Garlic and Premature Ejaculation − How It Works

Including garlic in the diet can increase your endurance directly and indirectly. It mainly works by increasing blood flow in your tissues which in turn helps you last longer.

Garlic contains various sulfur compounds, including Allicin. This compound improves blood circulation to your organs.

Besides, it relaxes our blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Garlic might also have anti-bacterial effects, which keep you healthy and active.

Although the real reasons are known, many researchers have revealed that premature ejaculation can be caused by anxiety, stress, hormonal issues, etc.

As using garlic improves your overall body condition, you’ll be able to get rid of these issues faster than regular.

Fresh garlic increases nitric oxide (NO) levels in your body. This element dilates the blood vessels and allows more blood to flow through your sexual organ.

Using 3 to 4 garlic daily will gradually improve your performance in bed.

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How to Use Garlic to Treat Premature Ejaculation?

Now, let’s find out how you can consume garlic most effectively −

Eat Fresh Garlic Cloves

Want to churn out all the benefits of garlic? Then directly consuming it will be the best way to do so.

Take only three or four cloves of garlic and chew them so the juice easily enters your digestive system. Eating the cloves in the morning when your stomach is empty is better.

Saute With Butter

It’s okay if you don’t want to eat raw garlic. You can saute the garlic cloves instead.

For this, take some garlic cloves and butter. Use a pan to saute the garlic in the butter at a low temperature.

When the cloves turn brown, remove the pan from heat, and the cloves are ready to eat.

Mix With Ginger, Honey, and Lemon

Another effective way to intake garlic is by mixing it with other healthy food such as ginger, lemon, and honey. This way, you’ll benefit from all these food items.

Ginger has antimicrobial effects, while honey is full of antioxidants.

We recommend making tea with these ingredients to make it healthy and enjoyable at the same time.

However, you can make other drinks in your own style and increase or decrease the amounts. Just make sure garlic remains the main ingredient of your mixture.

Use Garlic Powder

Those who can’t stand the smell and taste of raw garlic can go for garlic powder instead. As many online sellers are now selling garlic powder, you should know how to choose the right one for proper treatment.

We recommend avoiding processed garlic powder and opting for unmixed and more natural ones instead. There are no harmful additives to it and the flavor tends to last longer.

Garlic and Ashwagandha

Like garlic, ashwagandha is a popular herb used to treat premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Ashwagandha increases the strength of your sexual organ, enhances stamina, and offers better control.

You can mix garlic and ashwagandha powder and make a drink to treat PE faster and more effectively.

Garlic Capsules

No doubt, taking garlic capsules is easier than eating raw garlic or making a mixture. However, garlic capsules can only offer 40%-50% benefits of raw garlic.

In fact, all processed garlic loses its health benefits to some extent. So, take these capsules only as a last option.

Wrapping Up!

So, there you have it all! Now you know how to use garlic to cure premature ejaculation. Keep in mind that you won’t see immediate results from consuming garlic.

It might take two to three months to take full control and enhance performance.

Besides, you must avoid eating too much garlic as it might increase your blood pressure and affect your body negatively.

Ryan Medison Phd is an ABMS board certified urologist specializing in reproductive urology whose areas of expertise are men’s health and male infertility. He is also an associate professor of urology at the Institute in Berkeley, California, the director of male reproductive medicine and surgery at UNC Fertility

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