7 Best Fat Burners for Australia -Fat Burning Pills that Actually work

According to a survey, more than 57% of Australia’s population is dealing with being overweight, and everyone’s looking for shortcuts to a lean body. Not a shortcut, but fat burners can speed up the fat-burning …

Best Fat Burners for Australia

According to a survey, more than 57% of Australia’s population is dealing with being overweight, and everyone’s looking for shortcuts to a lean body.

Not a shortcut, but fat burners can speed up the fat-burning process if combined with a good diet and physical activities. That being said, not every fat-burning supplement you see will give the result you expect. 

To get the best result, you’ll have to pick one with the potential, and here we’ve rounded up a list of the 7 best fat burners for Australia that promises you to reach your goal.

7 Best Fat Burners for Australia 2023

  • PhenQ: Best fat burner overall
  • PhenGold: Best fat burner for metabolism and energy
  • Leanbean: Best thermogenic fat burner for active women
  • Instant Knockout: Best fat burner pills for men
  • Trimtone: Best fat burner for women over 40
  • PrimeShred: Best for athletes and bodybuilders
  • KetoCharge: Best fat burner for keto diet

If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, then you shouldn’t think about taking any kind of supplement, regardless of how natural they are. You’ll have to consult with a certified doctor before taking these supplements if you’ve any medical history. 

#1. PhenQ-Best Fat Burner Overall

PhenQ fat burner is a suitable supplement for both men and women. It comes with a  bunch of medically proven ingredients to help burn fats. 

Some of these ingredients reduce the appetite so that fewer calories are consumed and increase metabolism, which increases fat burning; instead of storing fats, they help convert them to energy faster and increase the energy level. 

PhenQ recommends taking two pills daily, one with breakfast and another with lunch. They don’t recommend taking these pills after 3 pm.

Besides weight loss, these ingredients offer other health benefits, such as improved cognitive functioning, balanced blood glucose level, improved bone density, etc. Check them out!

What are the benefits?

  • The α-Lacys formula is a combination of alpha lipoic acid, magnesium, and cysteine that is scientifically proven to decrease body fat effectively.
  • Capsaicinoids in capsimax powder burn extra calories.
  • Caffeine gives a good energy boost and suppresses the appetite; therefore, fewer calories are consumed, resulting in weight loss. 
  • Nopal is a cactus extract with several health benefits, decreasing cravings for sugar. It’s a fiber that keeps you feeling full.
  • Chromium picolinate is another ingredient in this supplement that suppresses hunger 
  • Calcium carbonate helps burn extra calories, increases bone density, and helps with joint pains. 
  • L-carnitine fumarate promotes weight loss along with improving cognitive function.


  • High caffeine content might cause trouble sleeping
  • Not suitable for stimulant-sensitive people. 


#2. PhenGoldBest Fat Burner For Metabolism and Energy

Phengold is another top-notch weight loss supplement you would find in the market right now. This, too, comes packed with clinically proven fat-burning ingredients which deliver dozens of other health benefits. 

This supplement burns fat by activating hormone-sensitive lipase; it basically breaks down the stored fat and converts them to energy. It also keeps you feeling full to reduce your appetite, and increases your energy.

It’s recommended to take 3 pills every day before breakfast or exercising.

What are the benefits?

  • Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and with other health benefits; it increases fat-burning and oxidation. 
  • Green coffee extract boosts the metabolism which promotes calorie burn and increases energy. 
  • Research finds that L-theanine has a bunch of anti-obesity effects, it reduces triglyceride levels, increases metabolism which, aids with weight loss, and improves mood. 
  • Cayenne pepper suppresses the appetite so that fewer calories are consumed. Moreover, it boosts metabolism too which accelerates fat burning.
  • Caffeine anhydrous also reduces cravings and increases metabolism, which burns more calories.
  • Vitamins B3, B6, and B12 help to eliminate fatigue, increase energy and improve mood. 


  • Contains a high amount of caffeine 
  • Comes with some stimulants, hence not for stimulant-sensitive people

#3. Leanbean – Best Fat Burner For Woman

Are you tired of stubborn fat and looking for a way to get rid of them? Take a look at this Lean Bean thermogenic fat burner specially designed for women. The majority of the users seem to be happy with the outcome of these pills. 

Leanbeans make you lose weight very easily by limiting your calorie intake. It makes you feel full and suppresses your appetite; thus, you eat less. Then it increases the metabolism and energy to boost the fat-burning process. 

The manufacturer recommends taking 2 capsules three times a day. 

What are the benefits?

  • Chromium picolinate regulates the blood glucose level and prevents the body from storing fat.
  • Choline increases metabolism, which results in weight loss. It’s a beneficial ingredient for better liver functioning as well.
  • The antioxidant-filled green coffee extract increases metabolism, which results in weight loss. 
  • Glucomannan is a fiber that swells in the stomach, making the consumer feel full, and limiting calorie intake. It increases the energy too. 
  • It contains a good amount of organic turmeric that reduces cravings and promotes calorie burn. It strengthens the immune function also. 
  • Piperine enables the body to absorb all the nutrients easily, and the acai berry ingredient regulates the cholesterol level. 
  • Garcinia Cambogia reduces food cravings and increases metabolic rate and serotonin (brain hormone) production.


  • Leanbean takes time to start showing effect.

#4. Instant Knockout -Best Fat Burner Pills for Men

Instant Knockout is a fat-burning supplement that many MMA male professionals trusts because it helps them lose some extra weight before the match. 

If you want to get rid of stubborn fat, instant knockout can be a good option for you too. It comes with ingredients that are proven to help burn calories. 

Ingredients like glucomannans suppress the appetite to limit the calorie intake. And some other ingredients increase the metabolism to boost the fat-burning process. 

It’s recommended to take 4 instant knockout capsules daily, before breakfast, lunch, in the afternoon, and before dinner. 

What are the benefits?

  • Glucomannan reduces hunger by making the stomach filled with fiber. It also boosts energy.
  • Catechins found in green tea extract are full of fat-burning properties. They break stored fat and lead to weight loss.
  • Cayenne powder increases metabolism and reduces fat. It suppresses the appetite too.
  • Caffeine anhydrous activates thermogenesis, increases energy, and suppresses cravings.
  • Vitamin B6 and B12 help fight fatigue and give an energy boost.
  • L-theanine promotes fat loss along with enhancing the cognitive system.


  • Have a bunch of stimulants.
  • Might have to deal with headaches, nausea, etc., initially.

#5. Trimtone-Best Fat Burner For Women Over 40

It’s a fat burner designed especially for women who want to get back into good shape. Trimtone is a thermogenic fat burner that activates calories burned by increasing the body temperature. 

Furthermore, some ingredients reduce hunger, limiting calorie intake, and some increase the metabolism level, which also contributes to calorie burning. We

The manufacturer recommends taking one capsule in the morning with breakfast. 

What are the benefits?

  • Like any other top-of-line supplement, this one also comes with glucomannan which reduces the cravings and increases energy. 
  • Caffeine anhydrous boosts the resting metabolism to burn calories when resting, and it also triggers thermogenesis. 
  • Green tea extracts suppress the appetite, promote fat burning, and improve overall heart health. 
  • Green coffee extract aids with fighting tiredness and increases energy. It also helps burn calories.
  • Grain of paradise activates the BAT tissues, which increases calorie burn. Plus, it also boosts energy expenditure which also helps lose weight. 


  • Contains gelatins, thus, not for vegetarians. 
  • High in stimulants. 

#6. Prime Shred -Best For Athletes and Bodybuilders

According to the manufacturer, prime shred increases lean muscle mass and burns fat faster than most other weight loss supplements. The ingredients this fat burner comes with don’t seem like the manufacturer is lying. 

It contains some organic ingredients, which have shown good results in several studies. Plus, this supplement is made under an FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility which increases the trust in this supplement. 

The recommended dose for prime shred is 3 capsules 20-minute before breakfast. 

What are the benefits?

  • Green tea extract is loaded with needed antioxidants which lower the triglyceride level and simultaneously increase the calorie burn.
  • Cayenne pepper suppresses food cravings and makes the body burn stored fat. 
  • Caffeine anhydrous increases metabolism gives energy and activates thermogenesis. 
  • Rhodiola Rosea breaks the stored fat cells and prevents the body from storing fat.
  • DMAE improves cognitive functioning and improves concentration, and muscle contraction. 


  • Might cause diarrhea, nausea, boating, etc., at the beginning. 
  • Contains stimulants, hence, not for those who’re stimulant sensitive. 

#7. Keto Charge-Best Fat Burner For Keto Diet

When the body enters ketosis mode, the body converts fat into energy, resulting in faster weight since keto is one of the most popular diets. And here we’re presenting the Keto charge fat burner, which puts the body into ketosis mode faster. 

For vegetarians, non-vegetarians, men, and women, this supplement is suitable for any adult. It doesn’t come with dozens of ingredients, yet the result impressed many people. 

What are the benefits?

  • Sodium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate boosts energy to improve athletic performance. It also strengthens the muscle along with enhancing cognitive functioning. 
  • Calcium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate is what helps the body to enter ketosis mode faster. CBH also provides the energy to fight off fatigue.
  • Magnesium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate covers the absence of sugar and carbs. 


  • Users might suffer from nausea, fatigue, dehydration, headaches, etc., for the first few days.

Things to Consider before Choosing a Fat Burner

A bunch of factors need to be considered before choosing a fat burner, such as ingredients, stimulants, and dosage. Go through this buying guide to understand what you should look for when you’re out there shopping for a fat burner. 


The very first thing to check when buying a fat-burning supplement is ingredients because that’s everything. You’ll find many weight loss supplements with filler ingredients that do little to no good. 

Having that said, how would you know which ingredients are effective for weight and which aren’t?

You’ll have to do some research online. List down the ingredients that the supplement comes with and then search on the internet one by one. Search for any medical research proving that the supplement’s ingredients are good for weight loss.

Usually, top-rated fat burner supplements come with the following ingredients:

  • Glucomannan
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Green tea extract
  • Green coffee extract
  • Caffeine
  • Capsimax powder
  • Turmeric
  • Garcinia Cambogia
  • Choline
  • Vitamins 


Once you have got the ingredients right, it’s time to check whether each pill contains the right amount. And to find this one also you’ll have to check on the internet. Search for how much of those ingredients one should take a day and then check if the pills contain the right amount. 

If you find the pills are coming with less, then that might not be an issue, but it could be dangerous if they come with more than the recommended amount. 


99% of weight loss supplements contain high amounts of stimulants like caffeine, garcinia cambogia, etc. if you’re sensitive to such stimulants, then you should avoid supplements that contain those. Otherwise, you’ll have to deal with many issues, such as nausea, diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, body ache, etc. 

Medical condition 

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should never consume any kind of supplement, no matter how natural. Doing so might make one go through some serious consequences. 

And if you have any kind of medical condition, no matter how minor it seems, consult with a certified doctor before taking any kind of supplements. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are the side effects of taking PhenQ?

In the initial days, one might have to deal with nausea, restlessness, trouble sleeping, boating, etc. But these problems should go away within a week or so. If they don’t, make sure to consult a certified doctor. 

How long does it take for PhenQ to start working?

It depends on person to person. But according to most users, PhenQ starts working within 30 to 60 days. 

How long does it take to lose weight with Leanbean?

Compared to other supplements, lean bean fat burners take more time to show any changes in weight. According to many, it might take 3 – 4 months. 


So, those are the best fat burners for Australia we have across so far. And we’ll wrap this article up with a few more words. 

After consuming most weight loss supplements, you might feel a little uncomfortable, which should go away within a week or so. If they don’t go away within a week, stop taking them and visit a doctor to be on the safe side. 

Dr. Kate Gundy physician with over 20 years of clinical experience in obstetric and gynecologic care. She has additional training and expertise in integrative medicine, medical acupuncture, menopause, female sexual problems, pelvic pain, vulvar pain, and vulvovaginal and gynecologic dermatologic disorders. She has authored work in peer-reviewed journals relevant to her field, including those related to gynecology, women’s health and sexuality, integrative medicine, female chronic pain, and sexual pain.

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